David's tidbits

Docker states - Stateless and Stateful

Both Docker and Kubernetes have the concept of Stateless and Stateful. Stateless - When the container is removed, all of the data within the container is also removed. Good for strictly ‘comput...

My thoughts on Virtualization Platforms

I have been involved in various virtualization platforms for a decade or so. I have a few thoughts about four of them. Performance is not discussed because I have a motley collections of “servers” ...

Answer files for Ubuntu v22 autoinstaller

Just as a data point, here are two Ubuntu v22 autoinstaller files, one with a static IP address, and one using DHCP. I have removed the password, just to be safe. Please generate your own. This is...

Automating Ubuntu 22 Server installs

I go through periods where I need to make a bunch of Ubuntu 22 Server installs. Automating the install process is possible, but the information is spread out over lots of web sites. Therefore I wil...

k3sup (said 'ketchup')

k3sup is a light-weight utility to get from zero to KUBECONFIG with k3s on any local or remote VM. All you need is ssh access and the k3sup binary to get kubectl access immediately. The tool is ...

Pushing a locally built Docker image to your Docker Hub repository

To use a locally built Docker image in a Kubernetes deployment, it needs to reside in a repository. This can be a local GitLab instance or on the Docker hub (https://hub.docker.com/). Login sudo d...

Installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22

This script will install Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22. #!/bin/bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail function usage { echo "Please supply the following settings in this order:" echo " hostname" ech...

Kubernetes and HorizontalPodAutoscaler

A HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA for short) automatically updates a workload resource (such as a Deployment or StatefulSet), with the aim of automatically scaling the workload to match demand. ...

Kubernetes, HorizontalPodAutoscaler and unequal worker nodes

I wondered what would happen if I created a Kubernetes cluster with unequal worker nodes. How would the HPA allocate the load? Worker nodes 1-3 are all Ubuntu 20 nodes with 4 vCPUs and and 4 GB of...

Generating web traffic with Apache Bench

source: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/apache_bench/apache_bench_quick_guide.htm Installation apt-get update apt-get install apache2-utils Example ab -n 100 -c 10 https://www.apache.org/